Bruce D. Wyman Company

Since 1988

Providing Strategic Business Planning Services to small businesses and associations, both for- and non-profit, to help them leverage their use of their scarce resources: time, funds, and effort.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." *

What is a Strategic Business Plan?

The whole purpose of Strategic Business Planning is to help businesses and associations improve their prospects for success by enabling them to better target the applications of their scarce resources: time, effort, and money; in other words, accomplishing more with the resources they have.
In general, Strategic Business Planning is a methodical process for:
a) identifying the essential core description of the endeavor that you are in,
b) identifying and documenting your underlying assumptions about the elements of your operating business environment that directly impact your business operation, but over which you have no substantive influence,
c) selecting, prioritizing, and documenting the principal goals that your business or association wants to achieve,
d) selecting, prioritizing, and documenting the strategies that you expect to use in achieving each goal, and
e) developing detailed integrated action plans that you will use both as a basis to allocate your resources to your business needs, and also to assess your movement toward your business goals.
The process that a business or association goes through in developing each of these elements of a Strategic Business Plan is fully as important as the resultant plan. In other words, the trip is as important as the destination.

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