Bruce D. Wyman Company

Serving small/micro business and association owners and officers since 1988

Providing Quality Management and Quality Training services to individuals, businesses, and associations.

What is Quality Management?

Quality Management is nothing more than managing using the principles of Quality. It is not blind adherence to some set of procedures or the "cookie cutter" adoption of some quality process that worked well in some setting. It is the thoughtful recognition of the ways in which all the processes, activities, and individuals that influence quality interact in producing the quality of the end products and services that an organization produces.

Quality is the set of value elements that cause the ultimate customers/clients to select a particular product or service in lieu of other products and services being offered in the marketplace. Quality is whatever the customer says that it is and you must organize to continually improve your quality in the eyes of your customers/clients. The most productive approach in improving quality is to engineer processes and systems so that you avoid the creation of "defects", rather than attempt to inspect and find all defects (wasted materials and efforts) after they have been created. "Build Quality In" instead of "Inspect Defects Out."

As important as knowing approaches to quality and having knowledge of a variety of quality tools, is understanding the importance of context. Adopting a quality tool or process and trying to implement it in the same fashion as it has worked elsewhere is a prescription for failure of quality efforts. That is a principal reason that so many individuals have persistent doubts about anything labeled as "Quality." Many saw the ways in which many American companies blindly tried to institute, for instance, "Total Quality Management" or "Just in Time" without first understanding the context in which they were to be implemented, and secondly, adapting the implementation as necessary to ensure it worked in that particular context.

The first step in building a quality-oriented culture in an organization is to provide individuals with basic Quality knowledge. Thus the offering below of the course entitled "Basics of Quality: Continuing Professional Education and ASQ CQIA Examination Preparation." Please explore that set of links for further information. The company offers training both for individuals (twice per year, timed prior to the ASQ examination dates, and at other times as convenient) and for corporations who seek the leveraging of training 15 to 20 of their staff at the same time in a corporate location and reaping savings in registration fees.

Quality Management Consultations

For information about how you can use the Bruce D. Wyman Company to help you analyze your Quality environment and develop a practical approach to implementing Quality improvements in a way that makes sense for your particular situation, please contact:

Bruce D. Wyman, M.S., CMQ/OE, CQIA, ECGB
President, Bruce D. Wyman Company
6147 Poburn Landing Court
Burke, VA, USA 22015-2535
Phone: 703-503-9753
Fax: 703-503-2091
for a no-obligation conversation.

What is an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE)?

CMQ/OE Body of Knowledge

Requirements to sit for ASQ's CMQ/OE Certification examination

What is an ASQ Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA)?

CQIA Body of Knowledge

Requirements to sit for ASQ's CQIA Certification examination

How can I obtain CQIA training, either for continuing professional education or for examination preparation purposes?
(Both individual and corporate training sessions are available.)

Training course brochure (outside): "Basics of Quality: Continuing Professional Education and ASQ CQIA Examination Preparation"

Training course brochure (inside): "Basics of Quality: Continuing Professional Education and ASQ CQIA Examination Preparation"

Resume of Bruce D. Wyman, M.S., CMQ/OE, CQIA, ECGB

Some Quality-related Links

American Society for Quality (ASQ)

ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence

ASQ Certified Quality Improvement Associate

Other ASQ certifications

ASQ Quality Management Division

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